Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know for Erie Gives 2025 as a donor or nonprofit!

Q. What is Erie Gives?

Erie Gives is an inspiring community-spirited event like no other! Thousands of donors from across the country - and globe - give to hundreds of local nonprofits during Erie Gives. To date, Erie Gives has raised over $66.3 million for local nonprofits, thanks to the support of sponsors and donors like you!

Q. When is Erie Gives?

Erie Gives is always the second Tuesday of August. This year, Erie Gives will take place on August 12, 2025 from midnight to midnight! During Erie Gives, our dedicated staff and volunteers will be available to assist you with phone donations from 8 AM to 8 PM. Simply call 814-454-0843, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q. What is GiveGab/Bonterra?

GiveGab specializes in Giving Days and is a nonprofit giving platform that helps nonprofits to raise money, engage donors and manage volunteers quickly and efficiently. Bonterra is the parent company.

Q. Which nonprofits can participate in Erie Gives?

Nonprofits must be a 501(c)(3), serve Erie County, and either be a member of The Nonprofit Partnership or have an Agency Endowment with The Erie Community Foundation to participate in Erie Gives. A Nonprofit Membership provides year-round benefits including educational opportunities, expert guidance on capacity building and a chance to participate in peer networking. The Erie Community Foundation invests in solutions that transform the lives of the individuals in our community. We hold participating organizations to the same standard, expecting that they too are groups who invest in the Erie (and surrounding) community.

Q. Who can donate?

Anyone can donate! You can make your contribution in person, by mail, over the phone, or online through the Erie Gives website. While ALL donations—whether by check, cash, or online—go directly to the nonprofit with no fees deducted (yes, you read that right!), donating online is a quick and easy way to give. Plus, it allows you to track your donation and receive instant confirmation, making it convenient and hassle-free. Donations of $25 or more are tax-deductible, so everyone can be a philanthropist!

Q. How many nonprofits can I give to?

If you are making a donation online, you may only give to 10 nonprofits. If you plan to give online to 10+, then you will need to process multiple transactions. But, if you are giving by check, you can give to as many nonprofits as you'd like!

Please note, our Check Form has 40 spaces for 40 nonprofits. If you plan to give to 40+, you will need to print out two check forms. Thank you.

Please make your check payable to The Erie Community Foundation. All check donations must be accompanied by a Check Form. The Foundation will accept checks beginning June 17th. Please deliver your check to The Erie Community Foundation (459 West 6th Street, Erie, PA 16507) by Friday, August 8, 2025.

Q. What types of credit cards are accepted?

Only Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover will be accepted. Debit cards will be accepted too. Credit card gift cards will not be accepted.

Q. Is there a certain browser I should use when making a donation?

Web + Mobile Browsers for GiveGab: Chrome (version 73 or higher), Firefox (version 65 or higher) & Safari (version 12 or higher).

Device Support for GiveGab: Windows 7, Windows 10, macOS (10.12 Sierra or newer) & iOS 10 or higher.

Due to GiveGab's strict security standards, use of outdated browsers, or browsers such as Internet Explorer may result in deprecated performance when using our site. Users may also experience issues using Android devices. If you experience any technical difficulties, please visit Give Gab Support.

Q. Can I give using my Required Minimum Distribution?

Yes! Please speak with your financial advisor to discuss transferring your Required Minimum Distribution to your favorite nonprofits on Erie Gives. You can review our informational sheet here. We encourage you to fill out our Check Form designating which nonprofits you would like to support. If you have any questions, please email Marissa Litzenberg at

Q. When will I know how much the nonprofit(s) I gave to made? Will I be notified?

Preliminary results are posted instantaneously on the Erie Gives website. As soon as you make an online donation, you can see the nonprofits total donation received increase. The final totals, including the prorated Bonus Bucks match, will be announced 4-5 weeks after Erie Gives to allow time for processing and communications

Q. If I send my check in early, can I see it be added to the total before Erie Gives?

All checks are uploaded throughout the day of Erie Gives and added to each nonprofit's totals the day-of. Totals cannot be viewed before August 12, 2025.

Q. When will the organizations receive the donations?

Nonprofits will receive their Erie Gives donations via a check from The Erie Community Foundation within 4-5 weeks.

Please note that all numbers on the website are considered preliminary numbers until the final numbers are announced by end of September. We appreciate your patience as we will be processing thousands of checks and need the time to prevent errors.

Q. How much of my donation goes to the nonprofit?

NEW THIS YEAR—thanks to the generosity of The Erie Community Foundation and Erie Gives sponsors, we’re thrilled to announce that all fees (transaction, platform, and processing) are completely covered! This means that 100% of your donation goes directly to the nonprofit(s) you choose. Donations are final and non-refundable. We're excited to make giving even easier for you and the organizations you support!

Q. Is there a match this year?

Yes! Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors and the Foundation's Board of Trustees, we have a Bonus Bucks Pool this year. This is an extra way to make your donation go further! On Erie Gives, you can donate to your favorite nonprofits using checks, online donations, stock gifts, or a required minimum distribution (RMD) from an IRA.

Q. Who will receive my contact information?

The nonprofits you support will have your name and email to send thank you notes and updates. The Erie Community Foundation will also have your contact information, but your credit card details are never stored.

Q. Do I need to create an account with GiveGab?

No, you don’t need an account to donate. Creating one allows you to track donations, access tax receipts, follow nonprofits, and engage in future giving. Your tax receipt is emailed right after your donation and should be kept for tax deduction purposes.

Q. Can I pre-schedule a donation for Erie Gives?

Online gifts can’t be pre-scheduled, but you can donate via check, stock transfer, or IRA RMD in advance—some donors do so a month ahead! To ensure processing, The Erie Community Foundation MUST receive checks by Tuesday, August 5th. We encourage those initiating a stock transfer to please do so as early as possible. We will accept them by Monday, August 11th, at the latest. 

Q. What if my preferred organization is not listed?

The Erie Community Foundation opened registration for nonprofits on March 1, 2025 and will close registration by July 12, 2025. During this timeframe, we host webinars and send numerous reminders to nearly 500 nonprofits. If you do not see a favored nonprofit, they might not have registered or did not meet the criteria. To be eligible for Erie Gives, a nonprofit must be a vetted 501(c)(3), serve Erie County, and either a member of the Nonprofit Partnership or have an endowment with the Foundation.

Please consider calling your favorite nonprofit and encouraging them to register for Erie Gives!

Still have questions regarding Erie Gives? Please email Kailey Pisani at or Erin Fessler at